STOCK PHOTOGRAPHS Our stock photography licensing fees are based on three criteria: 1) press run size, 2) page use size and 3) rights requested (North America rights, world rights, multi-languages, web use, etc.). For example, if one of our images was published as a full-page internationally-distributed ad in multiple languages the licensing fee would be many times higher than the amount charged for the same image used at 1/4 page size in a small domestically circulated magazine. For this reason, we don’t publish a standard rate sheet per se. We do, however, offer prompt pricing quotes via telephone or email -- please contact us at:

We realize that sometimes editors and art directors don’t know exactly how they will use a particular image until later in the design process; in this case, we are happy to quote you multiple prices for various possible uses.

ASSIGNMENTS The creative fees charged and expenses incurred on assignments also differ widely depending upon the end use of the assigned photography or cinematography. Please contact us at the numbers above and we can give you a price quote and/or budget estimate.